Best Custody Lawyer & Divorce Lawyers in New York
If you're looking for the best divorce lawyers in Allegany County & Corning NY to handle your case efficiently and with empathy, contact Jennifer Donlon.
Divorce Lawyers in Allegany County, Best Divorce Lawyers in Corning NY
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Divorce & Child Custody

Divorce And Child Custody

Bringing Clarity Out Of Confusion

Ending a marriage or committed relationship involving children can be challenging on many levels. Apart from the many legal considerations, you may also be struggling with a confusing array of emotions.


At Donlon Law Offices in Hornell, New York, we help bring clarity to this confusing time. We will walk you through the process so you have clear expectations. We will help you sort out your goals and priorities. Here, you can expect honest and compassionate guidance based on a realistic assessment of your options.

Here For All Your Family Law Needs

We handle all types of divorce and legal separation cases, including:

  • Divorce, both contested and uncontested
  • Property division, spousal support and other aspects of divorce
  • Child custody
  • Separation agreements


With more than 18 years of family law experience – including serving as a court-appointed attorney for children- Jennifer brings a well-rounded perspective to these cases. She understands how judges will approach these complex issues.


Based in Hornell, we serve clients throughout Steuben County as well as Allegany and Livingston Counties.

Our Role: Giving You A Voice, In Or Out Of Court

When it comes to decisions that have a long-lasting impact on your future – and that of your children – you deserve to have a say. We believe in empowering clients to resolve issues outside of court whenever possible. This approach often leads to better, more satisfying outcomes, and it avoids the stress and expense of a drawn-out court battle.


We believe you should have a say over your future – not a judge.


If out-of-court resolution isn’t possible in your situation, you can rely on our attorney as your voice in court. Ms. Donlon is an experienced litigator and aggressive advocate.